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About Us

Established in 2022, Nature’s Pantry® was created due to the need in the market of having a well stocked Health shop on one of Malta’s busiest main roads. Nature’s Pantry is in the centre of a very busy shopping area, that of Triq in-Naxxar, San Gwann and tries to offer all that Mother Nature can provide for your home pantry.

Nature’s pantry by Health Plus works hand in hand with Malta’s leading suppliers of Specialized Dietary Organic Foods and Drinks, Specialist Food Supplements, Herbal Medicine, Natural Body Care and Natural Organic Toiletries for the Maltese consumers. The concept created is that of a One-Stop Shop for all Health and Beauty needs for most health aficionados.

There is a fast growing niche in the Maltese market for the Natural Health Sector, one which has been growing very steadily over the recent past. This shop is intended to offer the best choices for practically every sector in the healthy world, and includes sections such as Organic, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Lactose free, Sugar Free, Vegetarian, Vegan and many others.

Contact Us


120 Triq In-Naxxar
San Ġwann, SGN 9030

Contact Us

Phone : +356 2097 1546

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Our Hours

Monday to Saturday: 9am to 1pm & 4pm to 7pm

Sunday: Closed

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